Federal Court of Appeal quashes the Trans Mountain Expansion project’s approval

Yesterday, the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) released its decision in  Tsleil-Waututh Nation (et al.) v. Canada (Attorney General), 2018 FCA 153 . The proceeding was a consolidation of several challenges to the National Energy Board (“NEB”)’s report and federal Cabinet’s subsequent decision to approve the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project. The FCA found in favour of the applicants on both major grounds of… Read more »

ALG presents at CBA National Aboriginal Law Conference

Micha Menczer and Kathryn Deo  were recently presenters at the Canadian Bar Association’s National Aboriginal Law conference in Whitehorse. The theme of this conference was “Implementing Indigenous Governance – Stories And Strategies.” Micha was a speaker on the panel of a case study on the Westbank Self-Government Agreement, and Kathryn moderated this panel.

Two Supreme Court of Canada Decisions Released Today on the Role of the National Energy Board in fulfilling the Crown’s Duty to Consult and Accommodate

Earlier today the Supreme Court of Canada released two decisions regarding the role of the National Energy Board in the fulfillment of the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate potential impacted Indigenous Nations. In  Clyde River (Hamlet) v. Petroleum Geo‑Services Inc. 2017 SCC 40 , the Court found in favour of the appellants, the Inuit of Clyde River. The Court quashed the NEB’s authorization for Petroleum Geo-Services Inc. to carry out… Read more »

Arbutus Law Group is proud to sponsor the upcoming symposium hosted by the Songhees Nation and the University of Victoria Faculty of Law

Between February 24-26, the Songhees Nation and the University of Victoria Faculty of Law and History Department will co-host a symposium entitled “First Nations, Land, and James Douglas: Indigenous and Treaty Rights in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia,1849-1864“. Arbutus Law Group is a proud sponsor of this event. It promises to be… Read more »

Federal Court of Appeal quashes approval of the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project

Gitxaala Nation et al. v. Canada, 2016 FCA 187 June 30, 2016 Federal Court of Appeal http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/fca/doc/2016/2016fca187/2016fca187.html?autocompleteStr=Gitxaala%20Nation&autocompletePos=3 Shocks rippled across Western Canada on June 30th, when the Federal Court of Appeal overturned Canada’s approval of the Northern Gateway Pipeline project. Although this is not the end of the road for the pipeline project, this is a… Read more »

Daniels v. Canada: All Aboriginal Peoples, including Métis and non-status Indians, are “Indians” under the Constitution Act, 1867

It was a long time coming, but last Thursday the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously recognized Métis and non-status Aboriginal peoples as “Indians” under s. 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867. By recognizing that Métis and non-status Indians are Aboriginal peoples under Canada’s Constitution (both s. 91(24) and s. 35), the Court acknowledges that this is… Read more »