We recognize that, although many Indigenous governments and communities across the country carry out their elections under the Indian Act, the Indian Act has ousted their traditional governance systems and unique, culturally appropriate ways of selecting their own leadership.
Our team helps to ensure that the electoral systems that are put in place in a community lead to elections that reflect the informed, representative and inclusive vote of that community. To do so, we support our clients as they develop clear, consistent and comprehensive election and referenda laws that reflect their unique traditions, customs and practices.
We can help regardless of whether a community carries out their elections under the Indian Act, the First Nations Elections Act, a custom election code, or a self-government agreement. We also help communities put in place mechanisms to voice their opinion on governance decisions that affect them through referenda, plebiscites or other voting processes.
Our work includes:
- providing strategic advice about election laws, policies and procedures under the Indian Act
- providing strategic advice about election laws, policies and procedures under the First Nations Elections Act
- transitioning to and drafting election laws, policies and procedures under custom election codes
- drafting election laws, policies and procedures under self-government arrangements, including self-government agreements
- reviewing and revising existing election laws and codes
We also provide strategic legal and policy advice as Indigenous governments and communities make long-term plans about how they would like to conduct their elections in the future.
If you would like to talk to a lawyer practicing in this area, please contact: